Our Mission

Impacts of War is dedicated to illuminating the untold sacrifices of veterans during the Afghan collapse and its aftermath. We document and honor veterans' financial and emotional contributions, record atrocities surrounding Afghanistan's fall, advocate for legislative support and justice, and amplify veterans' voices and experiences. Through rigorous research and storytelling, we strive to foster understanding, drive accountability, and catalyze support for those who served.

Our work bridges the gap between personal sacrifice and public awareness, ensuring these crucial stories shape national dialogue and policy decisions.

Documenting Sacrifices

We meticulously document the financial and emotional sacrifices made by our veterans. From personal expenditures to career disruptions, we shine a light on the true cost of service during the Afghan conflict. By collecting and analyzing data, we create a comprehensive picture of the impacts on our veterans' lives, ensuring their contributions are recognized and honored.

Recording Atrocities

We are committed to preserving the truth about atrocities that occurred before, during, and after the fall of Afghanistan. Through careful documentation and firsthand accounts, we create a historical record that demands acknowledgment and action. Our work ensures that these events are not forgotten and serves as a foundation for seeking justice and preventing future tragedies.

Advocating for Change

Impacts of War actively support legislative efforts, such as HR 4517, to address the needs of our veterans and the consequences of the Afghan conflict. We leverage our research and veterans' stories to inform policymakers, participate in congressional hearings, and drive initiatives that provide tangible support and recognition for those who have served.

Amplifying Veterans' Voices

We provide a platform for veterans to share their experiences, challenges, and insights. Through interviews, surveys, and community engagement, we ensure that the diverse perspectives of our veterans are heard and understood. By amplifying these voices, we foster a deeper public understanding of the realities of war and its lasting impacts on those who serve.

Join Our Mission: Volunteer

Be a part of something greater. As a volunteer with Impacts of War, you'll play a crucial role in honoring our veterans and uncovering vital truths. Whether you're a skilled researcher, a passionate advocate, or someone with a heart for service, your contributions can make a lasting difference. Join our team to help document stories, support outreach efforts, or assist with events. Together, we can ensure that the sacrifices of our veterans are recognized and that their voices shape our nation's future. Your time and talents can help bridge the gap between service and understanding. Step forward and be the change you wish to see.

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Bridging Sacrifice and Hope:

Stories of Resilience and Unity