Frequently Asked Questions

General Project Questions

  • The project aims to highlight the sacrifices made by veterans during the Afghan collapse and document atrocities that occurred before and after the fall of Afghanistan. It supports legislative efforts and provides a platform for sharing these critical stories.

  • The data collected will be used for research, to inform congressional hearings, and to support legislative initiatives like HR 4517.

  • Operation Recovery is a dedicated organization supporting veterans and their families. We have been actively involved in the Afghan and veteran communities for years, providing critical assistance during the Afghan resettlement process and advocating for veteran health and wellness. Our initiatives include direct support to Afghan allies, mental health resources for veterans, and ongoing efforts to address the long-term impacts of war. We are committed to ensuring that the sacrifices of our veterans and Afghan allies are recognized and that they receive the support they deserve. Learn more at

Technical and Form-Related Questions

  • Bonterra, a highly secure and trusted platform for managing sensitive information, hosts the survey form. Bonterra is HIPAA-compliant and follows stringent data security protocols to safeguard your information. You may notice the survey link displayed as “”—this is expected and part of our secure setup.

  • While we strive to ensure anonymity, the survey tool does not fully guarantee it. You can choose to indicate your preference for anonymity on the form, and we will make every effort to protect your identity. You may also utilize our mail-in option.

  • Yes, you can revisit and edit your submission using your email address, which will be used to create an account for this purpose.

Involvement and Contribution

  • You can get involved by sharing your story, volunteering, or donating to support our mission. Visit our "Volunteer" page for more details.

  • Detailed information and reports will be available on our website as the project progresses. Stay tuned for updates.